Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chicken Rice Ball at Malacca

Chicken rice, most commonly define as rice with chicken. The Malacca people do have their own creative way of preparing chicken rice which is the chicken rice ball.

It is basically the rice (not sure if it is ordinary rice) which is rolled into a ball shape. I don't really know what they use to keep the ball intact. It is served with the normal chicken but the only difference is the rice are in ball shapes having the size of moderate fish balls.

My experience in consuming them rice balls:

Taste: as typical as your ordinary chicken oiled rice

Texture: a little chewier and stickier than the ordinary rice

Appearance: Shown in pics below

Smell: as good as any chicken rice

After-taste: a sticky feeling in the mouth after swallowing the rice down.

The variation between the steam and roast chicken as shown in the pics. To me, it doesn't really matter if you don't eat the skin. The chicken don't look really appetizing though.

A good view of the rice balls too, now you get the picture of how the chicken rice balls look like. Next time you visit Malacca, remember to try them, they are not that fantastic but it is an experience to eat chicken rice in a creative serving.

-Johnny signing out- *click*

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